Make a donation: psaevents.ticketleap.com/fine-instrument-fund/

Mary Hanley, Fine Instrument Chair, presents a check to PSO CEO, Melia Tourangeau at the PSA Holiday Luncheon on December 3, 2024. Also pictured are PSA president, Cathy Trombetta and PSA treasurer, Jackie Demetris. This check will cover the cost of the “Andy Reamer Collection” (See below)

PSO Principal Percussionist Andy Reamer has announced his retirement at the end of the 2023-2024 season, following the PSO’s European Tour. Throughout his career at the PSO, Andy has worked to expand the collection of the PSO-owned percussion instruments. These instruments have contributed to the sound of the percussion section and the PSO’s overall sound for decades. Upon Andy’s retirement, the PSO would like to purchase as much of his collections as he’s willing to part with so that they can continue the sound that he and the percussion section have worked to create over the years.
The PSA would like to increase the funds in our designated Fine Instrument Fund and donate the money to the PSO to make the purchase of this percussion collection possible before Andy Reamer retires.
Watch this interview from WTAE that came out 5/22/24: https://www.wtae.com/article/pittsburgh-symphony-principal-percussionist-drum-maker/60874319

“Because a fine symphony orchestra deserves fine instruments”
The Fine Instrument Fund (FIF), which was established in 1984, is a fund designated solely for the purchase of instruments for use by PSO musicians while under contract with the PSO. These instruments are the property of the PSO.
A donation to the FIF is also a distinctive way to acknowledge special events or as a memorial gift. If you wish, you may request a commemorative card be sent to you or to the individual in whose name the gift is made. Contact fund chair Mary Hanley to mail a check for the Fine Instrument Fund: mbhanley03@yahoo.com
Make a donation: psaevents.ticketleap.com/fine-instrument-fund/
