Sweepstakes 2025!

It’s Sweepstakes Season! With the holidays behind us and Spring in front of us the Pittsburgh Symphony Association is launching our 2025 Sweepstakes Campaign. This is the annual appeal from the Sweepstakes committee asking the PSA membership to underwrite the costs of the campaign, which include designing, printing, and mailing the entry forms and funding the cash prizes.

Donors of $300 or more are considered Ambassadors. Ambassadors may be individuals or businesses and may choose to have their donations be a tax-deduction or receive chances at an incentivized level for the prize drawing. The names of all Ambassadors will be listed on the Sweepstakes entry form, mailed to more than 17,000 households. All Sweepstakes proceeds go directly to the PSO during the campaign.  In appreciation of your generosity, you will be invited to an open rehearsal of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

Sweepstakes is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the ongoing financial viability of Pittsburgh’s cultural gem, our Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. We would greatly appreciate your participation this year at the Ambassador Level. Your support enables us to get our Sweepstakes fundraiser off to a fantastic start. Please join us in making this year’s Sweepstakes another huge success with a contribution to the 2025 campaign!

Complete the Ambassador form and mail it with a check of at least $300 by February 25, 2025; instructions are on the Ambassador form. If you prefer chances, your payment must be made by check. If you choose to make a 100% tax-deductible donation rather than entering the drawing, you have the option to charge your credit card at:

Questions?  Contact Heather O’Brien at hobrien4541@yahoo.com

Please join us in Keeping the Music Alive

Click on “Sweepstakes donation form 2025” below to print form and then mail to Heather O’Brien.

To make a tax-deductible donation (no chances) you can pay by credit card here: PSA Sweepstakes Ambassadors 2025 Tickets in Pittsburgh, PA, United States