Symphony Splendor, held each year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, is Pittsburgh Symphony Association’s largest fund raiser, in terms of funds raised and in number of volunteer hours contributed. This past Friday morning before rehearsal Symphony Splendor Co-Chairs Cathy Trombetta and Neill Stouffer, Fund Development Vice President Nancy Lee Cochran, Splendor Musicians Chair Chris Thompson, Boutiques Chair Jackie Scanlon, volunteer Lisa Earle and Marketing Chair Jean Horne presented the check from 2019 Symphony Splendor to PSO Music Director Manfred Honeck and musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Many PSO musicians volunteer their time and talents performing in the showcased homes, and were thanked. Speaking for the committee, Chair Cathy Trombetta told the orchestra briefly about the 2019 house tour. Chris Thompson thanked them also, and she asked them to please consider volunteering for next year.
“The check presentation was a special way to put on the bow and wrap up our Symphony Splendor 2019!” said Cathy. “Thank you for all the help and time you contributed to make our home tour a great success.”