Pittsburgh Symphony Association

Musicians Chit-Chat

Performing artists have of necessity become very creative in using video to communicate with their audiences. Extraordinary Measures featured individual musicians performing some of their favorites.

PSA’s Vice President of Education, Gillian Cannel, has alerted us to a virtual series, Musician Chit-Chat, wherein musicians interview a close colleague. Here are links to the ones available thus far:

Rhian Kenny and Lorna McGhee (https://www.instagram.com/p/CNoGs9zlP-j/)

Neal Berntsen and John Moore (https://www.instagram.com/p/COMLL5olCHB/)

Cynthia DeAlmeida and Kyle Mustain (https://www.instagra.com/p/COeMBYRFm4i/)

Jim Nova & Pete Sullivan: (https://www.instagram.com/p/COwNtMZFc92)

Second in this series was Chris Wu interviewing Joshua Bell, which unfortunately did not save on Instagram.

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